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Showing posts from May, 2012

Lessons From a Broken Foot: Lesson Three

Lesson Three: Time & Patience This has probably been the hardest lesson. I can change my attitude, my outlook and even my comfort level during this time...but I cannot change the amount of time it will take my foot/ankle to heal . If patience is a virtue, I have not exactly been virtuous over the past four weeks. In actuality, though, patience is not just a virtue - it is part of  the fruit of the spirit. I cannot call myself a follower of Christ, and yet not bear the fruit of His spirit. And you can't pick and choose - they are the "fruit" [singular], not "fruits" [plural] we must encompass them all. I spent so much time praying for God to heal my foot in the first days after my injury. Every day I prayed. I began to obsess over it. I would say, "I just have to be healed. I cannot continue like this!". I thought maybe I wasn't claiming it strongly enough, so I would go to bed and say, "God I believe that when I wake in the ...

Lessons From a Broken Foot: Lesson Two

Lesson Two: Pity & Desperation Pity. I've thrown a few of these parties in the past few weeks. And I invited complaining and depression to join me. I have cried, whined and pouted. I started out saying things like, "Why did this happen?" and "What am I going to do?"...then at some point I decided to resurrect my theater days and turned to dramatics like, "Will I ever walk again?" and "I can't do anything!". I quickly feel the Holy Spirit check me when these attitudes arise, reminding me that it could be so much worse. That I am blessed. That I am alive, my family is well, and God is my Father. After the initial disbelief and shock of my situation wore off, I began to accept my fate for this period of time...but I still have moments when pity creeps in... All three of my children were napping, Evelyn and Beckett in their rooms, and Annabel in her glider in the living room. I was on the loveseat with my feat propped up on pillows....

Lessons From a Broken Foot...

Lesson One: Dependence We set out for a relaxing, renewing getaway to Hocking Hills, and it resulted in me with a broken left foot and sprained right ankle. I could barely walk on my right foot, and cannot bear any weight on my left. This has become my primary mode of mobility... I have spent the past three weeks in dependence. Fully reliant on someone else. My husband, mostly. Oh, it has been a lesson in swallowing my pride, patience and faith. This situation has also taught me about the harsh reality of losing your independence. The first few days, I couldn't do much of anything for myself. I couldn't bathe, dress or even use the bathroom without help...I could tell some pretty funny stories about that! Thankfully, I have gained some independence, specifically in that area! If I want a glass of water, I must wait for someone else to get it for me. As a mother of three small children, it has been especially difficult, I have found that at times I am asking my f...