Her Response:
"Jesus is a King. I know Jesus is born."
"The virgin will conceive and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means "God with us")." Matthew 1:23
We read the book, "On This Special Night" and then sang a song about Baby Jesus.
Jesus, Jesus, Oh what a wonderful child.
Jesus, Jesus, so lowly, meek and mild.
New life, new hope, new joy he bring,
Won't you listen to the angels sing.
Glory, Glory, Glory, to the newborn King!
Here is Evelyn doing "Jesus" sign language to the song:

Christmas Card
Construction Paper
Colored Cotton Balls (or any other decoration you want to use)
Pipe Cleaner (for hanging)
Cut the front of the Christmas card and glue to a piece of Construction paper. Then have child glue all all the cotton balls or other decoration onto ornament, as child desires. Once everything is glued in place and glue is dry, poke a small hole at the top of the ornament and put pipe cleaner through the hole and twist together to make a loop for hanging. Then hang on tree!!

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