We are using an advent Calendar and then also doing the ABC's of Advent.
We placed the "gift marker" into the number one pocket on our Advent Calendar and then began.

And today is "A is for Angels". We started out reading Luke 2:8-14
"Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!"
After we read the scripture, I asked Evelyn to tell me what Angels are.
Her reply:
"An Angel is a pyramid and it flies off the grass."

We talked for a few moments about how God created Angels to show His glory, to be His messengers and that Angels protect His children. We sang "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and Evelyn and Beckett both sang along ;) Evelyn did catch on to one line "Glory to the King" - and isn't that the most important one?
After our song, we prayed. "Dear God thank you for the Angels. Thank you for showing your creativity and beauty through them. Thank you for sending them to protect your people. We love You. Amen"
Now, it was time to make our angel ornament!

Plactic Cup
Coffee Filters (3)
Pipe Cleaners (2 for wings, one for hanging)
Cotton Balls

You cut the bottoms out of the coffee filters and slide them onto the upside down cup (glue in place). Then cut two holes into the back of the cup, twist pipe cleaners into shape and poke through holes. Glue cotton ball on top and add eyes. Voila! An Angel :)

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