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Advent Day 4 & 5

I am currently having issues uploading pictures, so I will add some later.

Friday, we celebrated day 4 & 5 of Advent (since it would be hard to find time on the weekends). I combined them together into one oranament.

C & D is for City of David

After marking our calendar, we began by reading Luke 2:11:

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."

We talked for a few moments about Bethlehem being the city that Jesus was born in. After that, we sang "O Little Town of Bethlehem" and then I asked Evelyn to tell me what a "City" is?

Her resonse: "Buildings"

We then, made our ornament. The ornament is super simple!!

Items Needed:
Christmas Bulb
Black Construction Paper
Yellow Construction Paper

For this ornament, we just glued small strips of black construction paper onto the ornament to look like buildings in a city. Then we cut out a yellow star and glued the star over top and done!

It was a crazy day around my house on Friday, so I was thankful for a simple project with little prep, mess and cleanup :) Somedays, you just have to adapt your plans to fit your life and schedule! Later today, we will be doing E & F >> Evergreen & Frost. Looking forward to making a frosty tree ornament!


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