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Mommy, Make Me a Priority

I have so much to share from our Teach Them Diligently trip last week - and you will be hearing more about it in the coming days. There were so many teachable {mom}ents - my pen could hardly keep up with my brain. Today, I want to share about one of the most profound moments for me. I am admittedly a HUGE fan of Sally Clarkson. So, I made a point to attend as many of her sessions as I could - which resulted in attending three of her sessions in one day! And they were worth every single minute. I also had a chance to chat with her at her booth - she is just so sweet and real and humble!

I want to summarize a story that Sally shared with us during one of her sessions...

They had friends visiting from overseas and Sally had cooked and slaved to prepare her home for the visit. When it was time to go for a walk, her youngest son refused to put on his coat (ever been there?). Sally strongly encouraged him to wear a coat - all the while trying to play the part of the perfect hostess. Well, once they were out on the walk, her son began to whine that he was cold and wanted to go back. She shared that she was tired and frustrated and just wanted to chastise him (see? I told you she was real!) - but the Holy Spirit checked her. She felt God whisper to her heart and so she knelt down and looked him in the eyes. She said something like, "How about mommy walks you back to the house and makes you some hot chocolate since you are cold?". She shared that her son's eyes lit up and - this is the really profound moment - he responded with something like this, "You mean you are going to leave all these important people for me? I am going to be more important than them?"

Oh my goodness! Tears were just flowing at this point in the story. My heart felt so convicted. How many times do I allow other people, things or just life in general, to be more important than my children? Do they feel that? I am sure that they do. My oldest daughter recently said to me, "Mommy, you always say 'another minute'!" Imagine how my sweet ones might feel if I allowed them to be the most important person to me in moments when I was busy with other things. What if I pulled myself away from my writing and really looked into their eyes when they spoke to me? What if I walked away from the group of adults I was talking with to take them outside and play? What if...

I am vowing to be more intentional in this. I want to really seek out those moments when I could honor them with my full attention. I also had the idea to start having "Most Important" dates. I want to plan time individually with each child when I let them be the most important. They can choose what we do and I will put away my phone, the computer, all distractions and give them my complete attention.

This is not a new idea, I have read many blogs and articles about it - but I do think that Sally has a fresh take on it. The idea that my children might feel like they are not the most important to me - possibly even the least important - just breaks my heart. We are all busy and have commitments - but making them a priority is worth it. Winning the hearts of my children is the goal. If a man wants to win a woman's heart, he would make her the most important person in his life. He would give her his time, attention and would forsake all others to be with her. Why should we view it any different with our children? Their eternal souls are vulnerable - if I don't give them my attention, they will not give me theirs. They will give their attention to something else and after enough time, they will give their hearts to that something as well.

Let's be intentional in choosing our children. Let them be the most important sometimes. Be willing to walk away from whatever you are doing and give your whole self to them. As if to say, "Right now, there is nothing more important to me than you." Wow! What a powerful statement of love and sacrifice to your child. May we seek out those "Most Important" moments!

Teachable {MOM}ent:
Make your child a priority. Answer when they call, look them in the eye and give them your full attention. Nothing is more important than your child knowing that they matter to you. 

Thanks for stopping by on Teachable Tuesday! Please leave a comment & share :)


  1. Amen!! I was convicted of this at a MomHeart conference in Feb. I like the idea of a Most Important date..esp as i have a daughter who is starting to have meltdowns, and tells me he just wants me to hold her. She asked me once if my phone was more important than her....oh how that broke my heart!!

    1. Oh, I understand, mama! Bless your heart for being open to the Holy Spirit :) I'll pray for you and please pray for me! Thanks for stopping by :)

  2. Love, Love, Love this! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for your feedback! Be blessed :)

  3. I've never done the mommy date thing, but perhaps I should be intentional about it. Thanks for sharing Sally's fresh take.

    1. Thank you for visiting! Blessings to you :)

  4. Oh Emily, this is beautiful! And that same conviction you fell under when hearing Sally's story just covered me as I heard you retell it! Thank you, friend. Thank you for inspiring me. And for linking this up last week!

    1. Thank you, Kasey! It was a profound moment for me - such an important lesson! Your link-up is truly a blessing - thanks for hosting :)

  5. Your post will be featured on my blog tomorrow in our Hearts for Home Weekly Blog hop. Congratulations.

    1. Thanks for featuring me! Blessings to you :)

  6. This post really hit home for me! Thank you for the reminder! I'm featuring your post on my blog tomorrow at the Hearts for Home Blog Hop! Thanks for linking up!


    1. I am honored to be featured, Sarah! Thanks :)

  7. This is so beautiful. My son often just says "play with me!" and I need to remember that playing with him is the most important thing in my life!

    1. What a wonderful perspective! Thank you for stopping by :)


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