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Summer Bucket List {Free Printable Cards}

Fun in the Sun:
Paint with sidewalk paint
Have a squirt gun fight
Colored bubbles - food coloring in bubbles
Nature walk/bug collecting
Create an obstacle course in the backyard
Homemade slip n slide - use large trash bags or a tarp
Have a backyard circus
Throw water balloons
Sack Races
Roast marshmallows & make s’mores
Catch fireflies in mason jars
Campout in the backyard
Play in a creek/river/pond
Family bike ride
Go fishing
Set up lemonade stand
Build a sand castle - at the beach or in your sand box!
Paint with popsicles
Build with fruit blocks
Watch a movie under the stars - many parks show movies, or just set up in backyard
Play kickball in the backyard
Go to a baseball game
Fly kites

 Service Projects:
Water neighbors' flowers/plants
Offer to mow a yard
Walk dog for elderly
Buy ice cream for lifeguards
Adopt a highway
Pass out water bottles to construction workers  - or other outdoor wokers
Take a turn cleaning your church - just offer, there are always jobs to be done!
Volunteer at concession stand at ball field
Host a community yard sale
Carry groceries for others on a hot day
Host a free car wash
Wash windows for small businesses

Rainy Days:
Go see a cheap {free} movie - many theaters have free summer movie programs
Beach in the bathtub - put on bathing suits & play with shovels and buckets
Sand table/water table - set up a sand or water table inside
Play with shaving cream
Picnic in the living room
Family game night - board games or video games - just have fun!
Build a fort under table
Paint with jell-o - make jell-o and allow your kids to paint with it :)

You can print the full list of cards here:

Fill a sand bucket with the cards and pull them out as you wish!

Thanks for stopping by! Please leave a comment & share :)


  1. This is great Emily. I have 3 boys ages 17, 15 and 13. They grow up so fast and I use to do these same things. I wish we still could when I remember how fun it was. Enjoy it!

    1. Thanks for the feedback, Angela. I am glad to hear that you have such wonderful memories! Blessings :)

  2. I love that you included service projects! Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!

    1. I think service projects are so important! And summer is such a great time for them :) Thank you for stopping by!

    2. Featured you this week on Mom's Library!

  3. Great ideas! Stopping by from A Mama's Story.

    1. Thanks for your feedback :) Blessings to you!


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