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Beyond Ordinary:
When a Good Marriage Just Isn't Good Enough
I am going to be honest - I snagged Beyond Ordinary: When a Good Marriage Just Isn't Good Enough
last week because it was free on Kindle and planned to just store it away for future reference. I thought, my marriage is great - I definitely would not label it as ordinary - so this book is probably not for me. But, as a Pastor's wife, I thought the book might be a good resource to have.
When I opened up my Kindle later that day, I saw the book staring back at me and felt prompted to open it up. I'll just read the first few pages and see what it is all about. I couldn't put it down. I finished the book that night!
Beyond Ordinary is written by Justin & Trisha Davis. They are college sweethearts, who jumped right into ministry after they were married. As I read through their struggles and trials in ministry, I found I could relate to so much. Justin and Trisha take turns telling their side of the story, and it is very engaging. Trisha's stories were so relative to my life, and Justin's side of things grabbed my attention and made me want to keep reading.
I laughed at the silly way they fell in love. I reminisced at the woes of being dirt poor Youth Pastors. I cried at the heartache of leaving friends behind and struggling to find their place. The story is captivating. And at the end of each chapter they share scripture, advice and questions to help the reader delve deeper into the heart issues behind living "ordinary" lives and having "ordinary" marriages. This book would make a great small group study!
We read about the decisions and situations that led them to a place of "ordinary". Their marriage was mundane and distant. Trisha resented Justin. Justin was more focused on his church and success than on his marriage. Then...they lowered the boom! I am pretty sure I gasped aloud, as I read the pages filled with the destruction of their marriage. It literally crumbled to pieces. Selfishness. Disappointments. Betrayal. It is honest and raw - Justin and Trisha completely bare their souls for their readers.
But, their story does not end there. Our God is a God of restoration and healing. Of course, it required both of them to reach the lowest of lows, becoming completely broken shells of who they once were. But with God's help they began to pick up the pieces. In time, God blessed Justin and Trisha with a restored relationship - not just with each other but with so many that were on the path of destruction that their marriage took. But even better than that - God blessed them with an extraordinary life and marriage!
I truly cannot say enough good things about this book! Beyond Ordinary takes us on a journey that will challenge even the best marriages and give hope of healing and restoration to the broken ones.
Here are my recommendations >
If you are single and ever plan to get married - read it!
If you are engaged - read it!
If you're married (newly or for many years) - read it!
If you have a great marriage - read it!
If you have a failing marriage - read it!
If you are divorced - read it!
If you are a Pastor who counsels couples - read it!
If you are a Christian Counselor - read it!
If you can read - read it!
Beyond Ordinary: When A Good Marriage Just Isn't Good Enough is available in Paperback and as a Kindle ebook. Pick up a copy today :)
Thanks for stopping by! Have you read "Beyond Ordinary"? What did you think?
I snagged this book when it was free too, and couldn't put it down. I'm not sure though if I would have defined their marriage as "ordinary" there was sin there the whole time. I guess though if that's what most marriages are like today then the definition fits.
ReplyDeleteI thought the same thing. However, I do think that sometimes hidden sin causes "ordinary" marriages - which, in time, leads to dysfunctional and destroyed. Thanks for your sharing your perspective!
Deletegoing to look for it, sounds great
ReplyDeleteThanks for this review...you really made it sound interesting. I'm going to look into it. It's always nice to have someone preview a book and give you a glimpse.