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REVIEW ~ A Child's Geography: Explore The Classical World {GIVEAWAYS!}

I was recently given the opportunity to be a part of the launch team for A Child's Geography: Explore The Classical World by Terri Johnson (read my full disclosure policy here). This is the third volume of the A Child's Geography Series through Knowledge Quest. I was super excited about this curriculum, as I have not started any type of geography with my kiddos yet. You can purchase A Child's Geography: Explore The Classical World through Knowledge Quest for only $34.95!

I downloaded the curriculum onto my Kindle and began browsing through the pages filled with maps, photos and activities. At first glance, it is beautiful and well put together. My husband and I were both immensely impressed with the product. My husband is the true critic - he loves history, geography and maps. He also formerly taught High School bible at a Christian School which involved teaching about the Classical world. He was immediately excited about using this curriculum with our children for years to come. Honestly, I cared more about the beautiful pictures, easy to read conversational text and fun activities that go along with each chapter.

Each chapter tells a story about the area you are studying and connects you to the people who lived there - including the Apostle Paul! In addition to maps and photos, you will find words that may be new vocabulary highlighted in bold text for you, along with a glossary at the end of the book. Terri compares the classical world to our modern day world including photos of what has become of these places. You will find links to videos, timelines. menus (detailing the foods you will find in each place), recipes and more sprinkled throughout, and on the CD-ROM included. You can really make this book come to life and include lots of hands on learning opportunities! At the end of each chapter Terri offers some questions and writing prompts for your child under the "Field Notes" section - it is a great idea to keep a notebook specifically for this!

A Child's Geography: Explore The Classical World is created for children grades 1-6. My daughter is technically only five, but she is doing first grade level curriculum this year. As I began to work through first lesson with my daughter, I realized that her true age, maturity and comprehension were showing through. I was a bit too confident in her ability to follow this curriculum. She just could not stay focused and we couldn't even make it through the first chapter. I was so sad about this because A Child's Geography: Explore The Classical World, truly is a wonderful product. We tried a few more times to use the curriculum, but it was clear that my daughter is just not ready for it.

I contacted Terri Johnson, the author, and she was extremely gracious and understanding of our situation. We discussed whether or not I should still write the review, and we both felt that it could be beneficial for others with young children. I think that you will find this curriculum is a wonderful investment for the future even if your children are not quite ready! I want to state very clearly that any mistake or blame falls on me - as the curriculum is clearly geared for 1st-6th grade. A Child's Geography: Explore The Classical World would be a great tool for all homeschooling families! We plan to use it in the future with all of our children. I think my daughter will probably be ready in another six months or year. My four year old son thoroughly enjoyed looking at the maps and I am confident that this product will bring about wonderful learning opportunities for him in the future as well.

If you are looking for a great Geography curriculum - this is it! A Child's Geography: Explore The Classical World is a fun, hands-on approach to learning about the past and connecting it to today. I highly recommend this product, and plan to use it for many years to come. Get your copy of A Child's Geography: Explore The Classical World through Knowledge Quest for only $34.95, today!

Knowledge Quest is offering a wonderful mega-giveaway for you!

Below is the list of prizes:

A Child's Geography Volume 3 with Wonders of Old Timeline Book ($59.90) Treasury Membership ($99.95)
Philosophy Adventure Physical set ($89.95)Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries Intro Pack from Diana Waring ($64.95)
Writeshop Primary Level (winners choice of A, B, or C) plus Activity Pack plus You Can Write A Story ($51.85)

Raising Real Men prize package ($100) Raising Real Men Book, My Beloved and My Friend Book, A Cry From Egypt Book, Boot Camp 9-12, Hero Tales Complete set
A Journey Through Learning $50 Gift Certificate
3 Months A+ Tutorsoft ($49.95)
Lilla Rose (2 Flexi Clips) ($32.00)
See The Light (2 DVDs) ($30)
King Alfred's English and Baktar (Laurie White) ($25)

Enter Here!!

I have also been given the blessing of giving away
ONE Digital copy of A Child's Geography: Explore The Classical World!

Enter Here!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed day :)


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