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Top 10 {MOM}ents of Motherhood

Sometimes life is overwhelming (full disclosure - everyone, apart from me, in my house currently has the stomach flu)...and sometimes you wonder what it would be like to have just one minute to yourself. Some days the constant toy clean up, snot running down faces, cheerios in my bra and scrubbing vomit out of hair, overwhelms me. They are all aspects of motherhood I could happily live without. But losing them would come at a cost. So many more moments of motherhood that are too priceless to give up. And when I think about that, I gain a little perspective. I snap out of my pity party, put on a smile and dance in the kitchen with my sweet ones...

 Top 10 things I would miss out on if I wasn't a mom...

10. Waking up to adorable baby smiles - c'mon, how stinkin' cute is this?!?

9. Their laughter - I mean seriously it is crazy infectious.

8. Seeing the world through their eyes - It is "wonder"ful.

7. Learning to "play" - life is so much fun!

6. Being silly - life can be way too serious sometimes!

5. Watching the friendship of siblings bloom - what is better for a mama's heart?

4. Seeing their love for Jesus grow - seeing them be the love of Jesus!

3.Knowing my life has eternal purpose - precious souls are entrusted in my care.

2. Getting hugs & kisses on a regular basis - adults need physical touch too!

1. Hearing the words "I love you" every day - the ultimate joy of motherhood.

It is worth every moment. 

*Teachable {Mom}ent*:
Even when life is overwhelming and chaotic...find the joy - remember the moments of motherhood you couldn't live without!

Thanks for stopping by on Teachable Tuesday! Please leave a comment & share :)

What are your least favorite motherhood tasks?
What is your favorite part about being a mom?


  1. Oh YAY! I love it! It's so worth it- even when we're tired of wiping bottoms. It will pass all too soon, won't it? much love to you!! good job mama!

    1. Oh my does it pass too soon! Thanks for reading and you are so sweet for commenting! Love your blog :)

  2. My least favorite task is grocery shopping because we are restricted by so many foods regarding one of our boys. My favorite part of being a mom is holding the hand of my now 12 year old and hearing him still say, "I love you Mommy." LOve the "Mommy" part and the "nuggle" time with my now 10 year old who is just a love bug. They are the best people I know! Being a mom is a gift. Thank you, Lord!

    1. Aw, what a sweet boy you have! Thank you so much for visiting and leaving feedback. (Sorry for the delay in response - blogger was being wonky!) Be blessed :)


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